<% Dim f, n, n1, ref f = Request.ServerVariables("URL") n = InStr(f, "rating_") f = Right(f, Len(f) - n - 6) f = Replace(f, ".asp", "") f = Trim(Replace(f, "_", " ")) Dim o, i i = "c:\Qweas-Imp\ratings.ini" Set o = Server.CreateObject("qwRate.cRate") Dim ver, scr, scr160, d1, d2, d3, buy, pri, size, code, web, d80, app, lic, os ver = o.GetKeyValue(f, "version", i) scr = o.GetKeyValue(f, "screen", i) scr160 = o.GetKeyValue(f, "screen160", i) d1 = o.GetKeyValue(f, "down1", i) d2 = o.GetKeyValue(f, "down2", i) d3 = o.GetKeyValue(f, "down3", i) buy = o.GetKeyValue(f, "order", i) pri = o.GetKeyValue(f, "price", i) size = o.GetKeyValue(f, "size", i) code = o.GetKeyValue(f, "code", i) web = o.GetKeyValue(f, "website", i) d80 = o.GetKeyValue(f, "desc80", i) app = o.GetKeyValue(f, "appinfo", i) lic = o.GetKeyValue(f, "license", i) os = o.GetKeyValue(f, "os", i) n = o.getScoreByCode(code) s = o.getDetailsHTML(code, 1) Set o = Nothing ref = "unrated.png" n1 = 0 If Len(code) = 36 Then Set o = Nothing If n>80 Then n1 = 5 If n<81 And n>60 Then n1 = 4 If n<61 And n>40 Then n1 = 3 If n<41 And n>20 Then n1 = 2 If n<21 Then n1 = 1 End If If n1>0 Then ref = n1 & "stars.gif" ref = "/rate/images/" & ref Dim title, down, fver title = f & " " & ver & " by " & web & " was rated " & n1 & " stars " fver = f & " " & ver down = " <font face=arial>" If Len(d1) > 10 Then down = down & "<a href=""" & d1 & """>Download 1" & "</a>" If Len(d2) > 10 Then down = down & " - <a href=""" & d2 & """>Download 2" & "</a>" If Len(d3) > 10 Then down = down & " - <a href=""" & d3 & """>Download 3" & "</a>" down = down & " </font> " pri = pri & " " If Len(buy) > 10 Then pri = pri & "<a href=""" & buy & """>Buy Now" & "</a>" %> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; 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