<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Dim IP1 IP1 = Trim(Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")) Dim strKey, strType Dim nStart Dim nPageSize Dim strStart, strPageSize strKey = Trim(Request.QueryString("key")) strType = Trim(Request.QueryString("type")) strStart = Trim(Request.QueryString("start")) strPageSize = Trim(Request.QueryString("size")) If Trim(strKey) = "" Then Response.Redirect "/search/" Response.End End If strKey = LCase(Trim(strKey)) If Len(strKey)>80 Then strKey = Left(strKey, 80) If InStr(strKey, " 0 Then Response.End If InStr(IP1, "67.195.112.") > 0 Then Response.End If InStr(IP1, "207.46.195.") > 0 Then Response.End ' If Left(IP1, 5) <> "74.6." Then strKeyLog = "{" & strKey & "}, RIP=" & strRIP & ", XIP=" & strXIP & ", HOST=" & strHOST & ", QSTR=" & strQSTR Set objSaveKey = CreateObject("qwSaveKey.cSaveKey") objSaveKey.Save2Log strKeyLog Set objSaveKey = Nothing ' End If '----------------------------------------------------------- If Trim(strStart) = "" Then nStart = 0 Else nStart = CLng(strStart) End If If Trim(strPageSize) = "" Then nPageSize = 10 Else nPageSize = CLng(strPageSize) End If Dim nType nType = 0 If Trim(strType) = "1" Then nType= 1 Dim objSearch Dim strHTML Dim strTime Dim nCount Dim strResult, strCount Set objSearch = CreateObject("SoftSearch.cSearch") strHTML = objSearch.SearchKey(strKey, nStart, nPageSize, nType) strTime = objSearch.GetTime() strCount = objSearch.GetCountString() strResult = objSearch.GetResultPages() Set objSearch = Nothing Dim nRel, strRelKey strRelKey = "" nRel = 1 If nRel > 0 Then Dim objRelKey Set objRelKey = CreateObject("qwRelKey.cRelKey") strRelKey = objRelKey.SearchRelKey(strKey, 20) Set objRelKey = Nothing Dim arrRelKeys, strHref, xAd nRel = Instr(strRelKey, vbCrLf) If nRel > 1 Then arrRelKeys = Split(strRelKey, vbCrLf) Dim i arrRelKeys(LBound(arrRelKeys)) = "" For i = LBound(arrRelKeys) + 1 To UBound(arrRelKeys) strHref = "http://www.qweas.com/searchx.asp?key=" & arrRelKeys(i) & "&type=" & nType arrRelKeys(i) = "" & arrRelKeys(i) & "" Next strRelKey = Join(arrRelKeys, "
" & vbCrLf) strRelKey = Right(strRelKey, Len(strRelKey) - 4) xAd = "

" & VBCRLF & _ " " & VBCRLF & _ "" & VBCRLF strRelKey = "" & vbCrLf & _ "" & _ "
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" Else strRelKey = "" End If End If If Len(strKey) > 40 Then strKey = Left(strKey, 30) & "..." End If If Len(strHTML) < 30 Then strHTML = "No Records Found!" End If If Len(strResult) < 30 Then strResult = "No Pages" End If Dim strTypeAll, strTypeQweas If nType = 0 Then strTypeAll = "checked" strTypeQweas = "" Else strTypeQweas = "checked" strTypeAll = "" End If %> Qweas Search: <% =strKey %>
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