| Name & Description |
| Name & Description |
 | Church Scheduler A church database program to help churches track members, pledges and payments. |  | ChurchBells BellTower carillon chimes system for $140 (Home Lic $35) Great outreach ministry |
 | Churches 35 photos of Old castle-like to small country to victorian type churches |  | CI Discovery Network Inventory Network Inventory Software for Asset Management and Help Desks |
 | CI iPod Cleaner easy to use program to cleane up your itunes library contents. |  | CiAN File Splitter Pro Split, compress, encrypt, SFV Checksums, and Self-join on destination PC |
 | CiAN Text Replacer Search and Replace Text Blocks on text files and batch it on a single process! |  | Ciansoft PDFBuilderX PDFBuilderX is an OCX for generating PDF files from an application. |
 | Ciara Screen saver Ciara Free Screensaver. Photos slideshow. |  | CIB PDF Brewer Free PDF conversion for Windows, joining PDF, fontembedding, security, watermark |
 | Ciclo VBelt Professional calculation software for V-belt drive designs. |  | CID CID module demo ZIP archive. Use zip archiver such as Winzip do unpack files. |
 | CineCenter A digital home entertainment turns nearly any current PC into a Media Center PC. |  | CinemaDrape Helps you focus on your current task by blanking or dimming other screen areas |
 | CinemaHD Video converter for high and normal resolution videos |  | CinePlayer provides quality and best performing DVD and Interactual content playback |
 | CinePlayer Decoder and MP3 Player Bundle video/audio decoding and MP3 encoding software designed exclusively for Windows |  | CinePlayer DVD Decoder for Windows Vista Superb video quality and audio clarity for DVD playback on your Windows Vista PC |
 | CinePlayer DVD Decoder for Windows XP Play DVDs on your PC with Roxio CinePlayer DVD decoder software. |  | CinePlayer MP3 Player Pack for Windows XP Create MP3 library by instantly adding high-quality MP3 encoding to your PC. |
 | CinePlayer Surround high quality and best performing DVD and Interactual content playback on PC. |  | CintaNotes A free personal notes manager with text clipping and as-you-type searching |
 | CintaNotes Free Personal Notes Manager A free personal notes manager with text clipping and as-you-type searching |  | Cipherlok Easy to use Blowfish based file encryption using passwords or USB Tokens |
 | Circles Geometry Calculators for all circles geometry problems. Draws a picture of the answer. |  | Circle-U Circle-U v1.0 is a circular navigation menu. |
 | Circulate A new twist on puzzle games. Spin entire levels around ! |  | Cirrus Config Management: Router, Switch & Firewalls. Auto Backups & Network Inventory. |
 | Cirrus Configuration Manager Solution designed to streamline and automate network configuration management. |  | Cisco CDP Monitor Cisco CDP Monitor is A CDP agent for windows host to diagnostic network. |
 | Cisco Network Magic Essentials you can skip the tech support phone calls, online forums & on-site consultants. |  | Cisco Network Magic Pro you can skip the tech support phone calls, online forums & on-site consultants. |
 | Cisco Speed Meter Pro Identify why your network and Internet is slow to optimize network speed |  | Cisco VPN Client for Mac a software establish end-to-end, encrypted VPN tunnels for secure connectivity |
 | CISearch.NET A centralized document search engine for MS Exchange and network file systems. |  | Citadel for Linux Citadel is a turnkey open-source solution for email and collaboration. |
 | Citation Citation - Computerize and Manage Traffic Citation Records! |  | Citricle Ping Alert the user when the connection to the Internet stopped or started up. |
 | CitrixWire CitrixWire is a software tool that enables people to download and share programs |  | Citrus Accounting Manage Business Finances, Expenses Income Receivables |
 | Citrus Banking More than an Electronic Checkbook, Expense Records,Payment Records |  | Citrus Dispatcher For Contractors and Tradesmen, Schedule Repairs and Service |
 | Citrus Proposal Use plain paper to create and Print a Professional Proposal in color |  | Citrus Small Business Accounting and Invoicing for Small Businesses |
 | CitrusInvoicer Invoices and reports, 2 taxes, templates,LOGO |  | CitrusInvoicerLite Invoices and reports, 2 taxes, templates,LOGO |
 | City Racing If you wish to download free games, then why not try City Racing? |  | CITYSCAPE Screensaver Experience a vibrant City of the future! Bringing your screen a stunning display |
 | Civil War Quotes, Notes, and Facts Quotes, notes, and facts of the Civil War. Text-To-Speech, this software talks. |  | Civil War Screen Saver If you are a Civil War buff this is the best award winning screen saver. |
 | CIW Core Collection pactice test and gui uCertify - CIW Professional certification: CIW Core Collection practice test, 93 |  | CIW Core Collection V5 pactice test and uCertify - Master CIW Web Site Manager certification: CIW Core Collection V5 pra |
 | CIW Foundations practice tests. CIW? Foundations practice tests from SimulationExams.com. |  | CIW Server Admin Collection pactice test uCertify - Master CIW Web Site Manager certification: CIW Server Admin Collectio |
 | CIW Site Designer Collection pactice tes uCertify - Master CIW Designer certification: CIW Site Designer Collection pract |  | CIW Site Designer V5 Collection pactice uCertify - CIW Professional certification: CIW Site Designer V5 Collection pract |
 | CKEditor An open source WYSIWYG text editor that can be used in web pages |  | CKFinder CKFinder is a powerful and easy to use Ajax file manager for web browsers |
 | CKM Keylogger Lite Keylogger Lite keyboard spy by CKM SYSTEMS for parental control purposes |  | CL Fusion Merging several worksheets in one resulting worksheet. |
 | Clam AntiVirus A GPL antivirus toolkit for UNIX to integrate with mail servers |  | ClamAV For Windows An open source command line anti-virus scanner for Windows |
 | ClamWin Free Antivirus A free antivirus program for Windows with an easy installer and open source code |  | ClamWin Portable ClamWin Portable is a ClamWin antivirus packaged as a portable application. |
 | ClamXav for Mac ClamXav for Mac is a very useful tool, a freeware virus checker for Mac OS X. |  | Clarific Rescue grainy photographs. Clearer details, more resolution. |
 | Clarify A screen capture application with a built-in document editor. |  | Clarion for Mac A customizable quiz partner for interval ear training. |
 | ClaroRead SE for Mac ClaroRead Standard SE Software for Reading and Writing Support |  | ClaroRead SE for PC ClaroRead Standard SE Software for Reading and Writing Support |
 | Clash New Clash has been enhanced with more feature for more hours of fun and play. |  | Class Action Killers Class Action Killers is a 3D 3rd-person shooter game. |
 | ClassDraw Create UML Class Diagrams with automatic layout, requiring no manual positioning |  | Classfoot Application to manage and track soccer championship |
 | Classic Baccarat Classic Baccarat is so absorbing that you can't stop playing! |  | Classic Blackjack Classic Blackjack is the game you are looking for! |
 | Classic Caribbean Poker Classic Caribbean Poker guarantees the emotional animation and excellent mood! |  | Classic Cars - FIAT Mefistofele 3d, FIAT Mefistofele, 3d screensaver, OpenGL, |
 | Classic Cars - Talbot Lago t150 New 3D screensaver - Classic Cars - World Most Famous |  | Classic Cats screensaver Cats play, purr, run, jump and misbehave right on the screen of your computer! |
 | Classic Chess Classic Chess is developed for chess fans. |  | Classic Craps Classic Craps with an excellent graphics and huge winnings is waiting for you! |
 | Classic Everest Poker NEW!! Play now in our new EverestPoker with thousands of other real live players |  | Classic FTP File Transfer Easy ftp client allows you to view, edit, upload, download and delete files free |
 | Classic FTP File Transfer for Mac Easy ftp client allows you to view, edit, upload, download and delete files free |  | Classic FTP for Mac Maintain your website with this easy and reliable FTP Client. |
 | Classic FTP Free File Transfer for Mac Easy ftp client allows you to view, edit, upload, download and delete files free |  | Classic Hardware Icon Set Hardware Icon Set is a collection of hardware icons for all versions of Windows |
 | Classic Menu for Access Classic Menu for Access 2007 - Easy to enable/disable the menus and toolbars. |  | Classic Menu for Excel 2007 Show Classic Menus and Toolbars on the Ribbon of Microsoft Excel 2007 |
 | Classic Menu for Office Show Classic Menus and Toolbars on the Ribbon of Microsoft Office 2007 |  | Classic Menu for Office 2007 Show Classic Menus and Toolbars on the Ribbon of Microsoft Office 2007 |
 | Classic Menu for Office Professional 2010 Bring Back the Classic Toolbar and Menu to Office Professional 2010 |  | Classic Menu for Office Professional Plus 2010 Show Classic Toolbars and Menus in Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010. |
 | Classic Menu for PowerPoint 2007 Show the menus and toolbars in PowerPoint 2007 |  | Classic Menu for Word Show Classic Menus and Toolbars on the Ribbon of Microsoft Word 2007 |
 | Classic Mustang Analyzer Helps the Mustang enthusiast research 1964 through 1993 Ford Mustangs. |  | Classic Pai Gow Poker Comfort, nice music and excellent graphics it is Classic Pai Gow Poker! |
 | Classic PhoneTools Classic PhoneTools answering machine software; phone and fax from your PC |  | Classic Puzzle Game Classic Puzzle Game is a real game for fans of classic puzzle game. |