| Name & Description |
| Name & Description |
 | Life On The Mississippi Life On The Mississippi by Mark Twain |  | Life Organizer Life Organizer enables individuals and families to organize their lives. |
 | Life Poster Maker Create posters from your digital photos! Show off your vacation pics in style! |  | Life Settlement Viatical Calculator Life Settlement Viatical Calculator - Investment Hunters |
 | Lifehouse Screen saver Lifehouse Free Screensaver. Photos slideshow. |  | LifeJournal Complete journal software provides a simple and secure place for your writings |
 | Light Artist Add realistic lighting effects to your images and give them a touch of 3D. |  | Light Pad LightPad is a simple yet powerful editor designed for the webmaster. |
 | Light Web Searcher Light Web Searcher is used for local site searching of textual information |  | Light&Shadow Simple but challenging puzzle game with a familiar concept and an unique twist. |
 | LightBox Advancer for Dreamweaver The easiest way to add great-looking Lightboxes to your site without hand coding |  | LightBox Video Web Gallery Creator Creates HTML Photo and Video gallery with a slideshow for you website |
 | Lighthouse Amazing Animated Wallpaper |  | Lighthouse Art DesktopFun Screensav... Free Lighthouse Art DesktopFun Lighthouses Screensaver |
 | Lighthouses Screensaver Lighthouses Screensavers with desktop wallpaper and utility to cycle it everyday |  | LightMan Converter LightMan Converter is a tool anyone can use for CD ripping and audio converting. |
 | LightMan Extractor LightMan Extractor allows you to turn audio CDs into high-quality MP3s. |  | LightMan Player LightMan Player is a modern media player with tones of cool features |
 | LightMan Recorder LightMan Recorder is a top sound recorder and text-to-speech converter. |  | LightMan TagEditor LightMan TagEditor is a powerful software for adding metadata to music files. |
 | LightMan Writer LightMan Writer is an all-encompassing recording tool for CDs & DVDs. |  | Lightning Download Lightning Download: Never have an incomplete or lost download again. |
 | Lightning Email Deliverer Deliver thousands of personalized emails to your customers at lightning speed. |  | Lightning Windows 7 Theme Real lightning Windows 7 Theme with sound effect |
 | Lightris Very addictive action-logic game with lots of features, nice graphics and music. |  | LightShot Easy-to-use desktop tool for capturing selected area from the screen |
 | LightShot for IE IE addon for making screenshots of any selected area from a webpage |  | Lightslayer (Windows version) Lightslayer is a first person action role-playing game. |
 | Lightspeed Screen Saver A cool 3d starfield screensaver for Windows |  | LikeBasic Basic script engine component for .NET. Integrate with other applications. |
 | LikeOffice Excel Utility LikeOffice Excel Utility designed to ease your work while using Microsoft Excel. |  | Likno Web Accordion Builder Rich interface to create jQuery accordions/sliders with minimal html/CSS code! |
 | Li'l Atomic Clock Synchronizes the system time with atomic clock driven NTP-servers in internet. |  | Li'l MailChecker Check your mailbox for special mails e.g. from friend or boss. |
 | Lil wayne Screen saver Lil wayne Free Screensaver. Photos slideshow. |  | Lily Allen Screen saver Lily Allen Free Screensaver. Photos slideshow. |
 | Lily flower Screensaver Lily is a large class of flower. It is one kind of tuber flower. |  | Limagito FileMover FileMover Software - Move your files from anywhere to anywhere |
 | Limagito Lite Limagito Lite can move files, copy files and delete files in automatic mode. |  | Lime Wire 2008 Quick and Easy Lime Wire setup and install. Music and video downloads instantly. |
 | LimeRunner Free Limerunner is a fast p2p file sharing software based on popular Limewire client |  | LimeShare Pro Free LimeShare Pro is a free p2p file sharing app based on popular client Limewire. |
 | LimeWire Acceleration Tool It is low level network acceleration software for LimeWire P2P program. |  | LimeWire Basic LimeWire Basic - a Peer-Peer file-sharing application for all types of PC files |
 | LimeWire Download Manager An essential and free add-on for LimeWire! |  | LimeWire Download Thruster Limewire Download Thruster is an autonomous speeding app for Limewire client. |
 | LimeWire EZ Booster LimeWire-EZ-Booster is a very strong add-on, which maximizes the download speed. |  | LimeWire For Mac LimeWire for Mac OS X allows users to share pictures,videos,music,software etc. |
 | LimeWire For Mac OS Classic LimeWire for Mac 8-9 allows users to share pictures,videos,music,software etc. |  | LimeWire Gold Search, download, and share MP3, video, image, and other media files. |
 | LimeWire MP3 LimeWire MP3 contains unique features including ghost ratings. |  | LimeWire PRO LimeWire Pro is a Peer-Peer file-sharing tool for all types of computer files |
 | LimeWire SpeedUp Pro LimeWire SpeedUp PRO is a high-end module for LimeWire file sharing application |  | LimeWire Turbo LimeWire Turbo is one of the most popular p2p file sharing application around. |
 | LimeWire Turbo Accelerator LimeWire Turbo Accelerator is a high end module for LimeWire |  | LimeWire Ultra Accelerator LimeWire Ultra Accelerator high-end module for LimeWire file sharing accelerator |
 | LimeZilla LimeZilla is a leading p2p software that connects to Gnutella network |  | Limnor Codeless Programming System create software applications without using computer languages |
 | Limpid Log Log for debugging for Java and J2EE. No hard-coded log statements required |  | Lindsay Lohan Dressup Lindsay Lohan Dressup is an interesting arcade game for free. |
 | Lindsay Lohan Screen saver Lindsay Lohan Free Screensaver. Photos slideshow. |  | Line Count 'N' Invoice Its a complete software for Translation, Copywriting, Editing and Transcription. |
 | Line Rider - Desktop Edition Line Rider is a simple small fun packed flash game |  | Lineage for Mac Lineage for Mac is a massively-multiplayer online role-playing game for Mac OS X |
 | Linear Algebra Performs computations associated with matrices. |  | Linear barcode Encoder SDK/ASP Control Generate 30+ Linear barcodes and save as BMP,GIF,PNG,JPG image on ASP Server |
 | Linear barcode Encoder SDK/DLL Generate 30+ Linear barcodes and save as BMP,GIF,PNG,JPG image using C/C++ |  | Linear Barcode Encoder SDK/LIB Generate 30+ Linear barcodes and save as BMP,GIF,PNG,JPG image using C/C++ |
 | Linear barcode Encoder SDK/LIB for Mobile Generate 30+ Linear barcodes and save as BMP,GIF,PNG,JPG image using C/C++ |  | LineCombo ActiveX Control The ActiveX control offers an easy method to pick customized GDI pen(Line). |
 | LineCounter Command line tool that counts the number of source code lines. |  | LineIt The aim of LineIt is to earn points, as much as you can. |
 | Lines for Mobile Move blocks from cell to cell to form lines (vertical, horizontal or diagonal????? |  | Lines Push New variant of the classical Lines game. |
 | Lines3D Lines3D is a superb puzzle game. |  | LinesKiller Only You and Lines Killer can rescue the world. |
 | LinesKiller5 Only You and Lines Killer can rescue the world. |  | LineUp Score "LineUps" 4 in a row up/down or left/right. Jokers allow add and remove. |
 | LineUp Manager Lineup Manager is an Excel spreadsheet developed to help baseball |  | Lingerie Model Screen Saver Lingerie Models on your screen. |
 | Lingo Vocabulary Trainer Lingo is an intuitive vocabulary training application. |  | Lingobit Localizer Software localization tool for MFC, Delphi, .NET, WPF, Java, Database and Web |
 | LingoEditor LingoEditor is an easy-to-use and light-weight text processor. |  | Lingoes Lingoes is an easy-to-use dictionary and text translation software. |
 | LingoLessons for Windows LingoLessons is software that helps you learn Japanese or other languages easily |  | LingoPad free English / German dictionary with approx. 300,000 references |
 | Lingoversity It is designed to increase your vocabulary in an effective and friendly way. |  | Linguata Afrikaans A practical realistic and fast approach to learning Afrikaans words and phrases. |
 | Linguata Catalan A practical realistic and fast approach to learning Catalan words and phrases. |  | Linguata Chinese A practical realistic and fast approach to learning words and phrases in Chinese |
 | Linguata Danish A practical realistic and fast approach to learning Danish words and phrases. |  | Linguata Dutch A practical realistic and fast approach to learning Dutch words and phrases. |
 | Linguata Estonian A practical realistic and fast approach to learning Estonian words and phrases |  | Linguata French A practical realistic and fast approach to learning French words and phrases |
 | Linguata French PPC A fun way to learn basic French words and phrases using learning games. |  | Linguata German A practical realistic and fast approach to learning German words and phrases. |
 | Linguata Italian A practical realistic and fast approach to learning Italian words and phrases. |  | Linguata Italian PPC A fun way to learn basic Italian words and phrases using learning games. |
 | Linguata Lithuanian A practical realistic and fast approach to learning Lithuanian words and phrases |  | Linguata Maltese A practical realistic and fast approach to learning Maltese words and phrases. |