Create Ringtone is Ringtone Audio Converter with key features:
*Read MP3, VMA, OGG, WAV audio files
*Get tracks from audio CDs
*Change MP3 BitRate and WAV sample rate
*Sound amplifier to increase volume in audio sources
*Preview your ringtone by listening to the selection, or listen to the entire audio file
*Save the ringtone you created to any location on your computer as an MP3 or WAV file
*Send the ringtone to your mobile phone
Create Ringtone is Wallpaper Image Converter with key features:
* Read JPG, PNG, BMP, EMF, WMF digital images
* Get images from windows clipboard
* Crop and Resize the image
* Rotate and flip the image
* Change the image resolution to fit your phone screen size
* Preview your wallpaper before sending it to the mobile phone
* Save the wallpaper you created to your computer as a JPEG file
* Send the wallpaper to your mobile phone
Create Ringtone is File Sender with key ......
Create Ringtone Related Software
Create Ringtone 4.4
Create and Send Free Ringtones, Free Wallpaper, MP3 Files or Other Mobile Content
EZ Ringtone 1.5.0
Convert mp3, wav files and CD tracks to ringtone format.
Ringtone Editor
Create your own ringtones for your realtone mobile! Import from an audio cd.
One-click Ringtone Converter
Create WAV, MP3, MMF ringtones directly from WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, APE, FLAC files
Quick Ringtone 1.01
Convert audio files to mobile phone ringtone or write ringtone yourself with this
AVS Ringtone Maker
Create and upload ringtones to cell & mobile device with AVS Ringtone Maker!
Fun Ringtones
Fun Ringtones toolbar for Internet Explorer.
Converts single channel midi files to Nokia Composer or RTTL ringtone format
Quick Ringtone
Quick Ringtone is an EASY TO USE Tool that can convert audio to mobile ringtone.
MP3 To Ringtone Gold 5.23
MP3 To Ringtone Converter and MP3 Resizer, rip CDs to mmf, amr, mp3, wav
Make Ringtones
Make Ringtones toolbar for Internet Explorer
PackPal Mp3 Ringtone Maker 1.0
Audio cutter and mp3 ringtone converter.
Mobile Ringtone Converter 2.3
Mobile Ringtone Converter can convert Mix audio to Moblie Ringtone format.
Ringtone Keypress
Accept Midi file and RTL file as input, Generate Nokia Ringtone keypress
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