...... Automatic and manual formatting of partitas. Reproduction and a seal of the partita. Preservation in format MIDI. Reading from format MIDI. Support of editing operations, copying and removal of a set of the allocated elements of the partita. A wide choice of elements of registration. An opportunity of adjustment of force of impact of each note at sound reproduction. The expanded opportunities of navigation. With MagicScore you can use classic or jazz fonts and styles.
MagicScore Classic Related Software
MagicScore Classic 4.1
Magnificent, powerful and convenient music notation editor.
MagicScore 4.06
Music Notation Software for Professionals and Music Composers.
MagicScore onLine
Online software for music notation display, play and print
MagicScore School
Specialized notation software for music aficionados, students and schools.
Carls Classics 1.52
It is a game collection with 14 classic games like Chess, Backgammon, Checkers, R
MagicScore Maestro
Music notation software with extended editing capabilities.
Classic Craps
Classic Craps with an excellent graphics and huge winnings is waiting for you!
RedBlue Classics for Mac 1.0
Play Othello, Go-Moku, Connect Four and five more classic board games!
Classic Chess
Classic Chess is developed for chess fans.
Classic Pythagorean Puzzles 1.8
A classic puzzle game.
Classic Slots
Classic Slots affords pleasure and gives pungent feelings to every player.
Classic Menu for Word 2.0.8
see and enjoy classic menus and toolbars of Word
Classic Menu for Excel 2.0.8
see and enjoy classic menus and toolbars of Excel 2007, as in the Excel 2003/XP.
Classic Menu for Access 2007
Show Classic Menus and Toolbars on the Ribbon of Microsoft Access 2007
EditPad Classic
Small but powerful text editor and Notepad replacement in a single executable.
Classic Menu for Office 2.0.8
Retrieve and show classic menus and toolbars again in Microsoft Office 2007
MagicScore MIDI to WAV
Score, MusicXML and MIDI to WAV converter, compresion supported
Classic Baccarat
Classic Baccarat is so absorbing that you can't stop playing!
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classic arcade battle tank game ,
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classic chuzzle ,
yahoo messenger classic ,
limewire classic os for mac ,
game classic ,
classic menu for powerpoint
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and makes no representations regarding MagicScore Classic or any other applications or
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Any questions, complaints or claims regarding this application MagicScore Classic 5.4
must be directed to the appropriate software vendor.
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