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Advanced MP3/WMA Recorder Publisher Description
1. Record to MP3/WMA/WAV from your cassette tape directly.
2. Record to MP3/WMA/WAV from any voice from MIC directly.
3. Record to MP3/WMA/WAV from CD audio directly while playing.
4. Record to MP3/WMA/WAV from any other sound line in such as radio , TV , CD Player directly.
5. Convert any(Web DownStream/AVI/WMV/ASF/RM/AU/MIDI...) to MP3/WMA/WAV only if you can hear it!
6. Record Scheduler and Record Timer Support!
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...... Advanced Mp3/Wma Recorder is able to automatically detect the recording formats your sound card supports and then set the application's parameters for the best possible performance. Your recordings are then saved as Mp3,Wma or Wav files.
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