...... Expensive portable text messaging devices and services just became outdated.
When Accept Incoming Calls for Stock Quotes is checked, Alert Phone will announce stock quotes to incoming callers. Most people already have an answering service, and it was decided to make this feature so that it does not interfere with your current answering system.
Call your home, let it ring one time (it is best to wait 3 full seconds after the first ring ends), and call right back. Alert Phone will make sure that the caller id's match, and if so, it will answer with a welcome message.
You then choose 1 on your phone to request a stock quote. To enter the symbol, push the number for that letter repeatedly, Alert Phone will announce the letter as you push the number.
When the correct letter is announced, press * to record that letter. Alert Phone will immediately announce a verification of all letters recorded so far.
When all letters for the stock symbol ......
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Any questions, complaints or claims regarding this application Alert Phone 1.24
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