...... The conversion result retains all the original text, pictures etc. You can set your heart at rest to use it. More professional and easier interface is on the market. You must like it as soon as you use it. Free download now!
office Convert Htm/Html to Image Jpg/Jpeg Advanced Features:
* Provide the customized Command Line service for server and developer.
* Batch Convert Htm/Html to JPG,BMP,GIF,TIF,TGA,RLE,PNG, EMF,WMF.
* It can simultaneously convert comprehensive files to one certain format once.
* Convert document to Vector format WMF.
* Drag and drop files and batch conversion.
* Choose the entire folder to convert.
* Do not depend on any Printer Driver products.
* Intelligent processing of large files.
* Easy to use. Convert with one click.
* Save the imported file list.
* Create images with high good quality.
* Process the conversion at very high speed.
* It can automaticly view the output files after converted.
* Provide the best service for you.
* Unbeatable price.
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Convert html page from any URL to image or thumbnails easily and quickly.
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Convert HTML files to image, generate screenshots/thumbnails of websites.
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convert html page from any URL to image or thumbnails easily and quickly.
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Convert documents to images
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HTML to Image Converter Command line for converting html to image on windows OS.
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Convert Word to HTML is a batch html converter that Convert Word to HTML.
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Convert PDF document to Html document
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