...... You can personalize it for your own business by editing the contact information to your personal or business information. This will update all the hot links, like email address, and URLs to your personal and business web pages, as well as change the address and phone number, to reflect your growing business. Next you can record your own personal / business voice greeting that adds personal impact with your customers. When you are ready the program lets you copy your new files to a business card or full size CD. Now when you give your business card to your customer or associate, todays technology promotes your business products and services. Everyone that has your business card CD will be kept up to date in regards to your business as you update your web site. Then you add products or services etc, or make changes to your business your customer is informed by just putting your business card CD in their CD drive. Add a business card CD to your mailing. ......
Business Card CD, DVD Creator Related Software
Business Card Creator for Word 4.0
Create professional business card with given templates and layouts.
Business Card Designer 4.0
Create business card, business card design software.
Business Card Creator for Word
Easily Create Beautiful, Full-Color, Professional Business Cards in Minutes
BusinessCards MX
BusinessCards MX software for quick and easy designs of business card.
Extremely intuitive and easy to use universal freeform database/organizer.
Business Card Designer Pro 3.0
Business Card Designer Pro designs your stunning business cards easily.
DVD Creator for Mac 1.0
DVD Creator for Mac, creator DVD on MAC
Business Card Studio
Powerful ease-of-use tool for designing nice looking templates of business cards
Business Card Printery
Design and print Business Cards. Select from 2000 templates.
RZ DVD Creator
RZ DVD Creator, Create/Make/Burn DVD from any video files, convert video to DVD.
Plato DVD Creator 3.36
With Plato DVD Creator Converter, you may transcodes and burns internet movie fil
Movie DVD Creator 1.02
Movie DVD Creator gives you the fastest and easiest way to copy movie to DVD disc
Create Your Business Cards
Design and print professional looking business cards in minutes.
Amor SWF to VCD SVCD DVD Creator & Burner 1.9
Download Amor SWF to VCD SVCD DVD Creator & Burner to convert flash to VCD, SVCD,
Wise DVD Creator
Asf/Wmv/AVI/DivX to VCD/SVCD or DVD creator
Juicy Business Cards 1.10
It allows any person without even knowledge of design basics create attractive, i
Business Card Builder 6.0
Take a little time to get thousands of fine business cards.
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