It is a common knowledge that we do not spend all time at the computer in the real life. Time Sled has a function of inserting the executed task that will enable you to account for the time you spend away from the computer as well.
After having collected the statistics in Time Sled, you can later review the results either in the Lotus Notes Database, or in a special application TS Reporter. Using this program (TS Reporter), you may view the statistics of the time spent under different time sections. TS Reporter allows you to view the statistics graphically as well. You will be able to estimate and analyze the volumes of work you perform by day, month and year or for period. Also, you can export log records to the Microsoft Excel or to the text file or print the report.
Trial limitation: You can use Time Sled no more 4 hours per day and can't use several features in TS Reporter.
Time Sled Related Software
Windows tray clock alternate between your local time and Internet Time.
Minimalist digital timer. Free. Virus and spyware free.
TimeMAX, the tool to manage time better and keep life balance.
Automatic tracking of time you and your colleagues spend working with apps.
BigTime: Easy to see count down/up timer with voice alerts, 1 second increments
A useful utility to monitor your monthly dialup online time.
XJ Timer
XJ Timer mostly use for important meeting.
A simple Egg and Stopwatch timer with multiple functions and modes.
Encrypting software with TimerLock
actiTIME is a free web based timesheet that integrates with QuickBooks.
Any Time
Independently take control of the time, the pitch, and the sample rate of audio.
TimeZone shows up to twelve time zones relative to your local time.
time server ,
realtime voice ,
salaat time ,
military time ,
world time ,
event timer ,
webcam timer ,
quicktime v6 ,
track time ,
quick time
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and makes no representations regarding Time Sled or any other applications or
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Any questions, complaints or claims regarding this application Time Sled 2.1.0
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