...... 1:4 on any size paper.
Garment design involves 2 stages of drafting: the 1st stage is drafting a basic pattern, the 2nd is drafting decorative lines and making cutting alterations.
The drafting of a basic pattern is the drafting of a design scan of smoothed outlines of human figure with the necessary eases and decorative finishing based on the basic body measurement points. The first stage (drafting a basic pattern) is the most labor-consuming one, though if fashion or models change, the rules of drafting a design and the calculation formulas remain constant. The calculation method is based on more than 40 years of sewing experience.
This program releases a cutter or designer from the routine work of pattern making or adjusting the already made patterns to fit the custom measurements and gives broad opportunities for creativity.
A basic pattern is being made to fit a figure of the person whom the measures are taken from and there is a ......
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