...... Software is developed in active server page (ASP) script and AJAX, does not require any special plugs, Java Applets or DLL to be installed on the server. Tool provides technical support to real-time online businesses such as travel, real estate, auto sales, web hosting, education, insurance, finance, web designing etc. Visitors can directly chat with operator at the instant. Utility is fully capable to receive offline messages when the customer support operator is not online or is unavailable. This conversation utility can works with all web browsers like Mozilla, Internet explorer, Opera, Firefox, etc. There is no need of any database while installing this application on your webpage.
* Web chat software provides live support service for your online visitors.
* Tool provides less expensive online support, reducing the costs of over-using a toll free line and paying additional phone operators.
* Utility doesn't affect any download ......
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Multi operator Webchat Software
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Live Support Chat Software
Web chat software tracks website visitors in real time via live chat interface
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Watch live TV on your PC with just an Internet connection. Over 11,000 channels!
Multiuser Live Chat Software
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Live Online Chat Software
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An easy to use combined DNC and text editor for up to 32 CNC machines
Skymol Communicator Live Help Software
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Skymol Communicator Live Chat Software
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Website Live Chat Software
Multi operator chat software track your website visitors customers in real time
Multi Operator Live Webchat
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1099 Software
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Software Tracker 3.0
Software Tracker is a useful tool that helps you manage all software well.
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and makes no representations regarding Live Webchat Software or any other applications or
any information related thereto.
Any questions, complaints or claims regarding this application Live Webchat Software
must be directed to the appropriate software vendor.
You may click the publisher link of Live Webchat Software on the top of this page to
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