...... the chat room and single sign-on will be enabled. It's all automatic! Then SMF users may click the "Chat" button directly, without being asked to login again.
3. Chat Status
The following data of the chat room can be displayed on the SMF index page to attract more users to join chatting.
4. Trouble-Free
Users integrated: Users of your SMF can be fully integrated to Chat.
Single sign-on: No separate login is required.
5. Full Control
Multiple skins: Nine skins are available to fit in your Forum.
Various chat clients: A standard Flash client has full features, a small and neat HTML/Ajax client is light and flexible in size and therefore can be used as a shoutbox, etc.
Customize size and interface language to match your Forum.
Admin Panel: A chat admin panel is available for paid user to customize the chat room.
Display chat data: chat room list, online users, chat user names, etc. can be displayed or not.
SMF Chat Module Related Software
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LANcet Chat
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Remotely monitor Instant Messenger chat sessions anonymously from any computer.
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Qweas is providing links to SMF Chat Module 1.12 as a courtesy,
and makes no representations regarding SMF Chat Module or any other applications or
any information related thereto.
Any questions, complaints or claims regarding this application SMF Chat Module 1.12
must be directed to the appropriate software vendor.
You may click the publisher link of SMF Chat Module on the top of this page to
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